Meet Dr. Amanda Fisher, PT, DPT

Founder & CEO

Physical Therapist-Lee’s Summit, Missouri and Kansas Locations


I am wife to my hunky, husband-Brett, and a mother to my wild-n-crazy three boys (yes, my hands are full!). I am mostly known for my passion for pelvic floor dysfunction and teaching women how to find vaginal healthy products at Target (yes, I have a video on YouTube on this).
I love serving the world by helping people realize there is hope with pelvic floor issues like: recovering from birth (especially c-sections-I’ve had three myself), peeing your pants (been here too), pelvic organ prolapse (yep-developed this after my first baby) , pelvic pain and pain with intercourse (the reason I got into pelvic health in the first place).
The things I am most passionate about in life are my family, spending time with my husband and kids, pelvic health, health and fitness, 90s/2000s hip hop, baking cookies, personal growth journeys and helping people achieve their goals.

I am a true believer that life happens for us, not to us. In 2008, I started leaking urine while training for half marathons. Then in 2009 I developed pelvic pain (specifically, pain with sex…so not fun) which led me down this wonderful path of pelvic health. I have been scared and ashamed of my symptoms and learned how to overcome them. Then in 2013, 2015 and 2017, after the births of each of my children (all c-sections), I had pelvic organ prolapse. I began feeling pressure in my vaginal canal with prolonged standing or right before I had a bowel movement. I worked really hard to improve my pelvic floor muscle strength and coordination to continue to work out and stay healthy for myself and my family. After many different paths of pelvic floor dysfunction, I feel I can relate to my patients and love being their accountability partner. I am lucky to provide my patients tools to improve their pelvic health so they can improve their health, fitness and sometimes, even their marriage/ relationship.

In 2018, Empower Your Pelvis was voted as the Top Physical Therapy Clinic in Eastern Jackson County by The Examiner.

When I’m not busy working at the office, you can catch me working out, sipping a almond milk latte with cinnamon at the local coffee shop, reading a self-growth book, exploring the outdoors with my boys, trying out a local brewery with my husband, bike riding around the lake, enjoying a glass of wine with my girlfriends, making pancakes in my kitchen or jamming out to 90s/2000s hip hop. My 3 boys are into homemade pizza, game nights and dance parties in the kitchen. These are some of my most favorite memories! I want to grow into the best mother I can be to my boys!

If you’re dying to hear more, here are five things you might not know about me.

1. I grew up in a small town north of Saint Louis.
2. I am a lover of cheesecake and mashed potatoes, but dairy is not my friend.
3. The first day I went back to the gym after my third baby (third cesarean birth), I was 7.5 months postpartum and face-planted 5+ times while trying to do a “girlie” push-up.

4. I was not blessed with a “singing voice” or rhythm, however, that does not stop me from busting a move or singing a tune, daily.

5. I have a deep, deep love for guacamole.

Still here? Let’s connect! Send me a message to ask me anything else or to get started:

Follow me on:

Instagram: @empower.your.pelvis

TikTok: @empoweryourpelvis

YouTube: Click HERE

Podcast: Empower Your Pelvis Podcast on Apple, Google Play and Spotify

Oh, Empower Your Pelvis is a LGBT friendly business.

Read about Pelvic Floor Dysfunction and Our Specialties