It’s NOT Normal To Pee Your Pants

One thing I hear alllllll the time, whether I am in the clinic or out at one of my kid's sports games is,
"Oh I pee my pants when I do _____________".

When I hear it, it sounds like it's totally normal to pee your pants with that activity. But it's not.

​It is not normal; it is common. ​

Two majorly different things. In reality, it is common that people pee their pants with certain activities like:

-running/ jogging,

-jumping/ hopping




-sneezing etc

It is common because a lot of us are doing the activity wrong. I was at Burn Boot Camp this morning and felt the urge to pee while jumping, and quickly checked my form. I was getting tired and noticed I was sending my boobs pointing in the air instead of pointing forward like headlights on a car. When they are pointing up, my muscles in the front, my abs and front pelvic floor that support my bladder, are not working well. Then I am more susceptible to peeing my pants. I quickly adjusted my form to ribs stacked over top of my pelvis, and my bladder urgency went away. I was able to jump and keep my pants dry.

So, if you are exercising, think about your form. Are your ribs stacked over top of your pelvis to support you? Are you able to adjust your form when you feel the need to pee and get that feeling to go away?

I want to help inform you of quick fixes to try out and hopefully see improvements. If not, I also have a Bladder Leakage course coming for things your can do at home to help support your tissues on days when you are not doing activities that challenge the pelvic floor as much. Stay tuned! I want to make sure I help all leakage issues in the course, so please REPLY to this email if you want yours fixed!!

Thank you! With wellness in your pelvis!

Amanda Fisher, Owner of Empower Your Pelvis


Peeing Your Pants Is Like An Injury