Empower Your Pelvis

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Peeing Your Pants Is Like An Injury

Bladder Leakage is like an Injury

It's your body's way of telling you something.

Imagine…you are in the gym working hard and you pee your pants. It catches you off guard because you are feeling amazing working out.

But when you pee your pants, you feel defeated.


Just like when you injure a muscle in your body, time helps to heal tissue.

It typically doesn’t get better after one day of changing something or doing something new.

You might rehab the tissue with exercises or physical therapy.

You might have to modify exercises to keep moving your body.

You may have to change things up to continue to challenge your muscles.

Bladder leakage is the same. It takes time to change tissue.

It doesn’t mean you are a failure.

It doesn’t mean you need to stop working out.

It doesn’t mean you need to stop accomplishing your goals.

It means you need to reflect and fix the problem.

You modify movements, reflect, and learn what did I do, what can I do to improve it, and what should I pay attention to in the future to make sure I can decrease my chances of this happening again.

When I evaluate patients who come in with bladder leakage, I ask what actions are causing the bladder leakage, then I ask about bladder habits and then I look at your functional movements…how do you move.

I also ask if you are taking time to breathe (this can be minimal time) or work on mobility of the pelvic floor throughout the day. Most often, you all are skipping the basics or not doing them enough to change tissue.

If you want some guidance on a quick Bed Time Mobility ​here you go!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and if you missed it, here is the ​HOW TO STOP PEEING YOUR PANTS FREEBIE.

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