Empower Your Pelvis

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Everyone Poops 💩

Everyone Poops 💩

Favorite Pooping Recipe from a pelvic floor physical therapists by Amanda Fisher, a pelvic floor physical therapist in Kansas City.

I had the privilege of working with the amazing Amy Slater in the summer of 2021 to help me figure out how to regulate my hormones.

One of the number one things she had mentioned to me with helping to regulate my hormones, was having regular bowel movements. Each time you poop, you are pooping out excess hormones, like estrogen.

The longer poop (toxins) stay in our system (decrease in bowel movements), the higher levels we can have.

Made sense to me, so for someone who was used to going every other to every 2 days or so, I was determined to change this for my health.

First, I started trying to get 10,000 steps minimum a day. I aimed to walk in the morning and night. (I ended up getting a dog at this time to help me with this 😆)

Second, I started eating Chia Seed Pudding every morning for breakfast. Here is what it consisted of:

1 cup of dairy free milk (I use Milkademia milk)

2 scoops of chocolate collagen protein (I’m a huge fan of CB Supplements. Use code EYP or empoweryourpelvis for a discount).

Then I add 3 tablespoons of chia seeds

2 Tablespoons of pumpkin seeds

1 Tablespoon of Ground Flax seeds

1/2 cup of berries

I, personally, like mine more like a cereal consistency vs overnight oats…so I eat mine within 30 minutes of making it in the morning.

Third thing to help my hormones and bowel movements, I started eating PRIOR to drinking caffeine. This was HUGE with helping my blood glucose. Great for me with my history of PCOS and family history of diabetes.

Please let me know what you think of this recipe and let me know how often you are walking and having bowel movements!! If you are wanting more help with bowel movements or decreasing fecal smearing, check out our online program, Em-POO-er Your Pelvis.