Empower Your Pelvis

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Pregnancy Journal: 25 Weeks

Rocking my sweet compression hose (and V2)

Finding myself full with eating small meals these days. I am working on eating meals higher in healthier fats with this pregnancy and I am feeling better when I do!  A few of my favorites are adding avocados and good oils to meals.  

Over this last week, I have been having more low back spasms after being on my feet for prolonged periods of time.  I continue to walk my dog in the mornings (my reflection time) and have a little round ligament pain occasionally, mostly on hills.  I work on core hugging during the hills to lessen the pain.  I am hoping to try a core belly support here soon to help ease the pain as well.  Baby boy is the size of a cauliflower this week and kicking like crazy!  Jackson, my oldest, has been calling this baby "Fred" for the last couple of months.  So much, that I am having a difficult time coming up with a name for this child, because now we all are referring to my bump as "Baby Fred".  Any name I say, Jackson will reply with, "Fred is a fine name for a baby".  He is too cute!

Continuing to get in some core, arms and legs workouts, along with some prenatal yoga (very relaxing...pretty sure I fell asleep in class), after my morning walks and between patients, biz and mom life.  Life is crazy, busy right now, and I love it!