Empower Your Pelvis

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What Happens During a Cesarean Birth?

This is an area that as women, even those of us who have HAD a cesarean birth,  we know little about.  Cesarean births can be planned or unplanned.  Planned are scheduled ahead of time and unplanned can happen after pushing for long periods, or when needing to deliver baby quickly, like in my first delivery.  There are lots of different reasons for an unplanned cesarean.  

During the cesarean delivery, the doctor makes an incision into your skin, through your fat cells, connective tissue and into the abdominal cavity.

The abdominal muscles are spread apart and the bladder is moved so the doctor can get to the uterus.  An incision is made into the uterus and the baby is guided out.  After the placenta is removed, then the uterus is stitched up, the bladder is put back, the connective tissue and abdominals, and then the skin is stitched up.  A lot of layers of sutures within the tissues so scar tissue develops as you heal.

Please note, your abdominal muscles are not cut through during a cesarean birth, but your connective tissue is.  This is important to understand why we need recovery programs after birth, not just “sit ups” and running as soon as we feel like it.